Vitamin C: Normal skin contains high concentrations of vitamin C, which supports important and well-known functions, stimulating collagen synthesis and assisting in antioxidant protection against UV-induced photodamage. This knowledge is often used as a rationale for the addition of vitamin C to topical applications. Volamena uses the most effective form of Vitamin C like L ascorbic acid and Magnesium ascorbic phosphate. Vitamin c helps I synthesis of Collagen in the skin to maintain its elasticity and health
Important research relating to vitamin C
To collagen has shown
Vitamin C helps protect the skin by promoting the production and migration of fibroblasts that support normal wound healing.
Vitamin C protects against skin wrinkles seen in premature aging.
Increased vitamin C uptake by vascular smooth muscle cells increases the synthesis and maturation of Type I (aka Type 1) collagen. Type I collagen accounts for about 90% of the body’s total collagen content.
Review of Collagen Benefits for the Skin and Anti-aging
- Collagen helps to increase skin hydration and elasticity
- Collagen helps to reduce skin damage caused by the sun, which is linked to aging effects, including wrinkles and reduced skin hydration
- Collagen supplementation can help to reduce wrinkle depth and volume
- Collagen supplementation helps to hide cellulite and stretch marks by strengthening the dermis layer of our skin
- Oral collagen peptides are absorbed into the bloodstream, making them more effective than topical collagen skin creams that do not get absorbed by the skin
- UV exposure has been shown to cause photoaging and the breakdown of collagen
- Damaged or degenerated collagen may play a role in the formation of precancerous or cancerous skin cells
Volamena products will make young instantly
Volamena Proactive Vitamin C serum: Is a face serum With Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen
For all skin types. Its uses are as follows
- Increase fairness
- Reduce under eye dark circles
- Increase hydration and elasticity
- Anti-aging
- Reduce scars